The Goki calendar (五紀暦, Goki-reki), also known as Wuji li, was a Japanese lunisolar calendar (genka reki). It was developed in China; and it was used in Japan in the mid-9th century.
The Goki-reki system corrected errors in the Taien calendar which was used in Japan in the first half of the 9th century. The corrections were the work of Akasuga Manomaro.
See also
- Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2005). "Calendar" in Japan Encyclopedia, pp. 98-99; Bramsen, William. (1880). Japanese chronological tables, p. 25.
- Japan, Monbusho. (1876). An outline history of Japanese education: prepared for the Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876, p. 160.
Further reading
- Charlotte von Verschuer (1985). Les relations officielles du Japon avec la Chine aux VIIIe et IXe siècles (Hachi-kyū-seiki no Nitchū kankei), pp. 243-245 n. 114. (in French)
External links
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