Manhan Sharif
Manhan Sharif is one of the 28 unions of Kot Addu, District Muzaffar Garh
Main crops
- Corn
- Rice
- Sugarcane
- Cotton
It is located in the south west of Kot Addu city
Water resources
This area is irrigated by a canal named Nala Sardar which is the Dis-tributary of Muzaffargarh canal
The people of this area Produce Jaggery from the sugarcane and also grow Wheat and Rice at industrial level
Nearby industries
- Kot Addu Power Company (Kapco) (7 km)
- Fatima Sugar Mill (35 km)
- Sheikho Sugar Mills (38 km)
- Pak Arab Refinery Limited (50 km)
- Lal-peer Thermal Power Station
- Unions of City Kot Adu
- District Muzaffar Garh
- Muzaffar Garh Canal
- Fatima Sugar Mills
- Sheikoo Sugar Mill
- PARCO Archived 2011-08-14 at
- Lal-peer Thermal Power Govt. of Pakistan