Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge is a British factual entertainment show broadcast on Channel 5 and a spin-off series to Extreme Fishing with Robson Green. The show sees actor and fishing enthusiast Robson Green travel around the world to some of the greatest fishing destinations, where he challenges local masters of their craft over five rounds of competitive fishing.
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Episode | Location | Broadcast date | Featured fish |
1 | Greenland | 3 January 2014 | Redfish, Atlantic cod, Arctic char, Greenland halibut, spider crab, Greenland shark |
2 | Tanzania | 10 January 2014 | Rainbow runner, wahoo, skipjack tuna, dolphin, ruby snapper, rusty jobfish, longhorn cowfish, yellowfin goatfish, dusky grouper, snapper, hippopotamus, African elephant, crocodile, Nile tilapia, Nile perch |
3 | Canada | 17 January 2014 | Beaver, Atlantic salmon, muskellunge, bluefin tuna, smallmouth bass, blue shark |
4 | UAE and Oman | 20 January 2014 | Yellowspotted trevally, kingfish, barracuda, giant trevally, emperor angelfish, longtail tuna, blacktip trevally, mahi-mahi, brown spotted hamour |
See also
External links
- Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge at IMDb
- TV review: Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge from The Guardian